Fermented Foods eBook

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About the Fermented Foods eBook:

  • Cultured foods are part of a healthy diet in many parts of the world. "Cultured" essentially means fermented which is a natural chemical process of breaking down a complicated substance into smaller parts, usually with the help of "friendly bacteria". During the fermentation process, bacteria both enrich and preserve the food. This process benefits digestion, increases the availability of vitamins, and promotes the growth of healthy gut flora throughout the digestive tract.

  • Consuming foods that are rich in enzymes as well as live active cultures will stimulate and heal an over-burdened digestive system.

  • This book contains 12 Cultured Foods recipes and step by step details that make the fermentation process simple. These are tips and suggestions on making these foods part of your everyday meals. This book makes the fermentation process something that anyone can do! Use these recipes as a foundation and then let your imagination go as you create your own cultured creations.

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